Privacy & Policy

We at India Gigolo Pvt Ltd value the trust our users or site visitors place in us. This is the main reason why we are very conscious when it comes to privacy and policy. We provide secured browsing experience. We are strict to not compromise with the confidential information of our users or site visitors. Here, one point should be noted that our privacy policy could be subject to alteration at any point of time even without a notice. So, it is your duty to keep checking the privacy policy of India Gigolo Pvt Ltd here.


By browsing through India gigolo Pvt Ltd, you agree to be bound by our terms of use or terms of conditions of this official privacy policy. If you don’t agree to it, you are advised not to visit or access our site. By merely use of our site, you simply express consent to our official disclosure and terms of use of your personal details in accordance with the given privacy policy.


Collection of Personal Information or Other Details

When you visit at India Gigolo Pvt Ltd, we at India Gigolo Pvt Ltd simply collect as well as store your personal details that may have been submitted by you from time to time. The main objective behind doing this is to help you provide a secured system of browsing through our website.


Use of Profile Data/Demographic/Your Details

We may or may not use your profile data, demographic and even other details. The main motto behind using your personal information is to help you accessing more focused or customized content. Since we tend to provide our users best out of the best gigolo dating experience, we collect and store information of our users.


Use of Cookies

A cookie can be described as a tiny piece of information stored by a particular web server on a given web browser. Here, you need to remember that we also use cookies in order to enhance the experience of our users. We at India Gigolo Pvt Ltd place both temporary and permanent cookies in order to have control over our unique gigolo dating services. So, if you don’t want to get involved into cookies, you should avoid visiting at our website.


Links to Other Websites

When you visit at India Gigolo Pvt Ltd, you may find links that can redirect to other websites. There could be various reasons behind placing outbound links – from providing value to content to promotion. So, if you click on a link given on our website, you will be responsible for your activities on that particular website. Since we don’t have control over other websites links to our site, you need to be conscious enough before visiting those websites. We at India Gigolo Pvt Ltd will not be responsible for anything found on those websites.


Security Precautions

However, India Gigolo Pvt Ltd is a safe and secured gigolo dating site, but we still don’t claim to be completely safe. We may be victim of malware or virus attack. Thus, in such a situation, you will be responsible for everything that may be done with your account or personal information. But yes, it is true that we at India Gigolo Pvt Ltd provide solid security and privacy to personal information of our users.